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Hydrogen  medicinal molecular

Water is the main component of the human body. It plays an important role in our lives. 
The human body is a machine designed to run on water and minerals. 
It consists of about 72% water and water is vitally important for all bodily functions. 
Without water, the body cannot function and the poor quality of the water you consume can have a dramatic impact on your health. 
Therefore, drinking healthy water is vitally important in our lives!

The Global Hydrogen  provides innovative products - state-of-the-art GENERATORS, which produce hydrogen-rich water that is extremely healthy and is 80 times smaller than vitamin C, due to its tiny size, it penetrates all organs instantly.

Hydrogen-rich water helps heal and fight a wide range of illnesses, boosts the immune system, helps achieve and maintain optimal health and well-being, and is a powerful regenerator for athletes who are able to recover from their exertion much more. quickly and give a yield in excess of 40%. By consuming living water rich in hydrogen in the amount of 1.5-2 liters per day for one year, the aging of the blood and organs will be reversed in 5 years.

Health Benefits of Drinking Hydrogen Rich Water

Molecular hydrogen is extremely unique as it has the ability to make positive changes at the cellular level.
Therefore, drinking hydrogen rich water is helpful and highly recommended for health benefits.

The latest research by scientists in this area has shown that molecular hydrogen is an excellent antioxidant, helping to lighten the load on the immune system.
Due to its small size, molecular hydrogen can easily and quickly reach every cell in our body, within the brain, deep organ tissues, even when blood vessels are blocked, (only hydrogen can pass through cell membranes to eliminate Freely Radials created in cells.)
Molecular hydrogen rebuilds in places where other antioxidants cannot reach due to the larger size.
In addition to its antioxidant properties, molecular hydrogen also has anti-inflammatory, anti-apoptotic and cytoprotective properties.
Drinking water with hydrogen is excellent for detoxification due to its high hydrogen permeability and solubility.
Hydrogen-rich water helps to dissolve and release acidic solid wastes and toxins accumulated in the body. Japanese scientists have proven and reported a high improvement in symptoms of the following diseases after drinking hydrogen-rich water:














Differences between plant-derived and Molecular Hydrogen antioxidants

Many people wonder what the differences are between molecular hydrogen and food antioxidants.
This is a tricky question to answer as we cannot compare them.
It's more complicated than that. We can't stop taking molecular hydrogen and hope to continue to get the benefits we get from food antioxidants, nor can we simply ingest molecular hydrogen and hope it brings us the benefits of food antioxidants.

Some of the antioxidants in foods are essential nutrients, such as vitamin C. This antioxidant does more than neutralize free radicals; it also plays an important role in areas such as collagen synthesis. We shouldn't make the mistake of thinking that consuming enough molecular hydrogen amounts to consuming foods rich in antioxidants.

Which eliminates more free radicals, vitamin C or molecular hydrogen?  Based on stoichiometry, a vitamin C molecule can neutralize two free radicals, which is equivalent to what a molecular hydrogen molecule can do. Drinking a liter of water enriched with hydrogen at a concentration of 1.4 ppm would give us roughly the same amount of "antioxidant molecules" (hydrogen gas) as drinking 100 mg of "antioxidant molecules" from vitamin C.

However, some vitamin C molecules can be rejuvenated by our bodies and used again, and molecular hydrogen cannot. On the other hand, molecular hydrogen can increase the generation of powerful antioxidant enzymes in our body, thus providing greater protection, which vitamin C cannot do. Interestingly, intake of vitamin C in high concentrations can prevent this increase from occurring.

What similarities are there in food antioxidants and molecular hydrogen?  Both are natural to the body. None are artificial or synthetic. Both are potentially the key to longevity. Both promote health and well-being.

What is the difference between molecular hydrogen and antioxidants in foods?  Molecular hydrogen only neutralizes harmful free radicals. Molecular hydrogen leaves no residue when neutralizing free radicals. Molecular hydrogen enhances the body's own antioxidant system. Molecular hydrogen also acts as a REDOX signaling molecule, thus having other benefits. Molecular hydrogen is the smallest molecule in existence, allowing it to easily penetrate cells.

(Note: The H2  it only has a molecular mass of 2 g/mol, whereas vitamin C has 176.2 g/mol).

Molecular hydrogen has no known toxic effects, including ingesting it in large amounts.

Summary: With these similarities and differences in mind, we can say that molecular hydrogen does not replace antioxidants found in food, but actually works together and provides additional benefits.


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3. Arrigoni, Oreste, and Mario C. De Tullio.  “Ascorbic acid: much more than just an antioxidant.”  Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-General Subjects  1569, no. 1 (2002): 1-9.

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8. XIE, K., YU, Y., HOU, L., CHEN, H., HAN, H., XIONG, L. & WANG, G. (2012). Nrf2 is critical in the protective role of hydrogen gas against murine polymicrobial sepsis.  British Journal of Anaesthesia  108,  538-539.

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11. ZHANG, JY, LIU, C., ZHOU, L., QU, K., WANG, RT, TAI, MH, LEI, JCWL, WU, QF & WANG, ZX (2012).  A Review of Hydrogen as a New Medical Therapy.  Hepato-Gastroenterology  59,  1026-1032.

12. OHSAWA, I., ISHIKAWA, M., TAKAHASHI, K., WATANABE, M., NISHIMAKI, K., YAMAGATA, K., KATSURA, K., KATAYAMA, Y., ASOH, S. & OHTA, S. . (2007). Hydrogen acts as a therapeutic antioxidant by selectively reducing cytotoxic oxygen radicals.  Nat Med  13,  688-694.

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14. OHTA, S. (2011). Recent progress toward hydrogen medicine: potential of molecular hydrogen for preventive and therapeutic applications.  Curr Pharm Des  17,  2241-52.

15. OHNO, K., ITO, M. & ICHIHARA, M. (2012). Molecular hydrogen as an emerging therapeutic medical gas for neurodegenerative and other diseases.  Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity  2012,  353152.


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What is Molecular Hydrogen

Molecular hydrogen (H2) - two hydrogen atoms combined - is a gas with particular and selective antioxidant effects, which specifically targets the most harmful free radicals.

It works primarily by improving and optimizing the redox state of cells when needed.

As a result, you see improvements in superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione levels, for example.

Hydrogen not only selectively reduces most toxic radicals, but it can help prevent an excess (which becomes toxic) of free radicals from being produced in the first place.


This is a powerful prevention mechanism.

H2 also activates the Nrf2 pathway when needed. Nrf2 is a transcription factor that, when activated, goes to the cell nucleus and binds to the response element.  antioxidant  in the DNA.

It then induces the transcription of other cytoprotective enzymes, such as  glutathione , superoxide dismutase catalase, glutathione peroxidase, phase II enzymes, heme-1 oxygenase and many others.

A landmark article on molecular hydrogen published in Nature Medicine in 2007 showed that 2% hydrogen gas was effective in preventing reperfusion brain damage from ischemia and, as an antioxidant, has powerful therapeutic applications. Hydrogen is the smallest molecule in the universe, in addition to being neutral and non-polar, which makes it extremely bioavailable.

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